ASSET Arrows - Our New Pupil Parliament

Two pupils from each ASSET school are invited to represent their peers on the ASSET pupil parliament. In November our new MPPs met and chose a new name - the ASSET Arrows.

Pupil Parliamentarians meet half termly, debating key issues that are important to children, going back to their schools and holding surgeries to gather the opinions of school friends and bringing them back to inform Trust decision making.

During the pandemic Pupil Parliament meetings helped us to understand how children and families wanted to be supported through school closures, and with testing. This informed much of our approach to home learning in the second lockdown and the return to learning afterwards.

In November 2023 our new MPPs took part in a workshop on leadership, and took a task back to their schools: discovering what and how children enjoy learning, and what they think they should be learning to prepare themselves for their futures. We'll use their feedback as we design the new ASSET curriculum over the next year.

In January 2024 we set them the task to ask their peers what we should celebrate and how. Last year our ASSET Awards were a great opportunity to celebrate what we value, and we've given the ASSET Arrows the opportunity to shape the next Awards event. We're excited to hear what they come up with in March!