With funding from the Heritage Lottery fund, Cohere Arts developed a project across all our schools called “Unsung Heroes”.
Children in each school first visited local libraries in Lowestoft and The Hold in Ipswich to research the people from the past who had lived in the area around their school, and who had enriched their community in their time.
When they had chosen their “unsung hero” and discovered more about their story, the children worked with Cohere’s songwriters to create a new school song featuring their character from the past.
Each school has created a choir that has learnt their song to lead their peers in celebrating their unsung hero!
All 13 choirs came together to perform all of the songs across the ASSET family at a performance at Snape Maltings on Saturday 18th November. Children had a chance to work with professional musicians in inspirational surroundings, and bring the historical unsung heroes of their local communities back to life. The concert hall was packed full of family, friends, school staff and members of the local community.
We'll continue to use our brilliant songs in assemblies, events and more!
Unsung Heroes Project - by Cohere Arts

"Heroes don't wear capes!"
Children performed to a packed audience
This has been the perfect project to develop a sense of belonging and community, demonstrating how real people leave a legacy and we can all make an impact on the people around us and those in future generations. It has been lovely for the children to develop their historical enquiry skills, work on narrative structures and express themselves through music.
Children worked with professional song writing teams to turn their historical research into their own school song
Children rehearsed with Tom Appleton at Snape
We love this project too because it has given children across all our schools an equal opportunity to participate in something bigger - we love it when our family of schools can share their stories together.
Huge thanks to Amy and her team at Cohere Arts for this super project!

To discuss potential partnerships, please contact Ben Gough, Partnership and Engagement Manager on ben.gough@asseteducation.co.uk or 07752 778758.