Charlotte's award-winning family and community role

Charlotte Richardson is the Community and Families Lead at The Beeches Primary in Ipswich, and works tirelessly to create opportunities for families in the local community to support their children's learning, and also to help meet some of the challenges that come with raising a young family these days.

Charlotte is a great networker and ideas person - be warned, chatting to Mrs Richardson at The Beeches may find you roped in to helping with the school allotment, running family cooking sessions, coffee mornings, planning fundraising and community events... and she works hard to engage local organisations to help with sponsorship, funding, resources and volunteers.

Recently Charlotte took part in the Race Across Suffolk for the Blossom Charity, representing The Beeches and ASSET alongside colleague Holly Bedford, and teams from Edgar Sewter Primary and Bungay Primary. Having competed in the London Marathon, she helped to set the pace for the ASSET teams! You can read more about their adventures here.

Charlotte is a great example of the transformative power that our support staff in schools have on children's lives, particularly when that work reaches out into family and community work.
