Alcohol and drugs

It's important to recognise when you or somebody else has an alcohol or drug problem and to get the help and support that is needed. Whether you're the Parent, partner, child or carer of someone who needs help, you may feel worried, frustrated and/or alone. Families often play a hugely important role in helping someone. You can find below some useful organisitions who can offer support.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Millions of men and women have heard or read about the unique Fellowship called Alcoholics Anonymous since its founding in 1935. You can view more information on their website here or you can contact them directly via the details that can be found on their contact page here.

Anglia Care Trust

Funded by Suffolk County Council Public Health, they help service users to access mainstream services, promoting improvement in their overall health and wellbeing as well as helping them to recover from their addictions.  You can visit their website here where they are able to provide support for anyone at either end of the spectrum and anywhere in between.

Iceni Ipswich

Iceni Ipswich work with families affected by substance misuse and those who cause harm within relationships. They inspire positive change and deliver a range of therapeutic and practical interventions to transform the lives of families and children in Suffolk.  Visit there website here to find out more information on who they are, what they do, how you can get involved and how to contact them.

Turning Point 

Turning Point have been supporting people for almost sixty years, and are continually inspired by the stories, experiences, and possibilities created by those that they meet.  They believe that everyone has the potential to grow, learn, and make choices. You can visit their website here.

As always, if you find that you would like any additional information on the details highlighted above, or if you think that you would benefit from being signposted to a different service, please do not hesitate to contact one of your school's DSLs (Designated Safeguarding Leads). Alternatively, you may wish you to contact one of your school's DSLs (Designated Safeguarding Leads) or your school's FLO (Family Liason Officer). You can find your school's FLO here